Fatal collision 27 January 2016 Great North Road, Newcastle, Tyne and Wear

Last updated 21 November 2016
Approximate location
Great North Road, Newcastle, Tyne and Wear (show full map)
Casualties Daniel Rushton, 20 (fatality)
Time of incident 9:33pm, 27 January 2016
Vehicles involved Pedal cycle, Car
Incident factors None known
Police details Northumbria, incident 1130

Daniel Rushton sustained serious injuries when he was struck by Ian Wilson’s Ford Mondeo, and was taken to the Royal Victoria Infirmary, but died the following day (28 January 2016).

Wilson had responded to an amber light by accelerating, and proceeded through the subsequent red light, hitting Rushton as he cycled through the junction.

In October 2016 Wilson pleaded guilty to causing death by careless driving. and the following month he was sentenced to nine months’ imprisonment, with an 18 month driving ban to commence at his release.