Fatal collision 28 January 2016 A32 Hoad's Hill, Wickham, Hampshire

Last updated 14 October 2016
A32 Hoad's Hill, Wickham, Hampshire (show full map)
Casualties William Houghton, 20 (fatality)
Time of incident 11:18am, 28 January 2016
Vehicles involved Pedal cycle, Car
Incident factors None known
Police details Hampshire, incident 44160042675 (Operation Feline)

William Houghton was heading southbound on the A32 out of Wickham, at the top of Hoad’s Hill, when he was struck by a Citroen C3 driven by Jeanette Smith. He was taken to hospital by air ambulance with life-threatening head injuries but died later in hospital.

Smith pleaded guilty to causing death by careless driving and was sentenced at Portsmouth Magistrates Court on 16 August to 60 hours’ unpaid work, a £165 fine and a one-year driving ban.